5 Popular Nature Tourism Destinations in Papua

Landscape and scenery of Lake Sentani Papua. (Shutterstock/Setiono Joko Purwanto) The following article is a free translation from Kemenparekraf Located in the easternmost region of Indonesia, Papua has unparalleled natural beauty wrapped with distinctive cultural values. Being the largest island in Indonesia, it is not surprising that there are many natural attractions that Papua has to offer. Not only about the beauty of the island and its beaches, in Papua there are also other natural attractions in the form of lakes, hills, and waterfalls that are ready to welcome us while on vacation to Papua. So, what are the natural tourism options in Papua? Here are 5 popular natural tourist destinations in Papua that must be visited: 1. Lake Sentani The choice of popular natural tourist destinations in Papua is Lake Sentani. So beautiful, the lake which is located on the slopes of the Cycloop nature reserve with an altitude of 75 meters above sea level can make tourists who visit feel relaxed...